AObeats – Get Down (Free DL)

I’ve always known AObeats to be a talented and adventurous producer with his finger on the pulse of the future bass movement. His knack for sampling, chopping, and pitching up throwback R&B/dance vocals over a bed of shimmery, uptempo beats has caught the attention of music fans worldwide. To get a better idea, tune in to the Moving Castle collective on Soundcloud.

AObeats’ latest release “Get Down” crystallizes this signature sound perfectly, flipping the original Todd Terry Allstars version into an anthemic new mix. The song is a clinic for newer producers looking to master their production and arrangement skills. “Get Down” has it all: a truly powerful first drop, groove-filled breakdown with just the right amount of space, and a trap-inspired chorus with menacing horns that will have your head rocking in no time. Be on the look out for big things coming from this artist in the rest of 2014. Grab the free download of “Get Down” now via AObeats’ Facebook page.

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